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80 minute lesson plan that teaches the muscles and bones of the body and the concept of body part initiation through journaling, movements, and exploration.


This download includes:

-24 pages of lesson plan and visual aids.

-1 lesson plan that includes: Warm-up, Technique Combo inspiration and Video, Across the Floor, Creative Exploration, 3 Journal Pages to label the muscles and bones of the body.

-A playlist of all of the songs used during class.

-Visual aids and supply list for class.


80 Minute Lesson Plan for a dance class: 

Digital download

-Digital file type(s): 1 ZIP

-Length: 11 inches

-Width: 8.5 inches

Easy to print at home or send to a print shop.

All sales are final on digital products. If you have any questions/issues, contact us at:

Digital Download - No physical Items will be shipped.


Follow us @danceplandepot on instagram!

Muscles & Bones Dance Class

SKU: muscles and bones

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